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When You Win, The Entire Community Wins

Greg | Graduated July 2021

Many of us speculated what New Freedom actually was from behind the walls.

The details weren’t clear when they first opened. For me, whatever they were doing, I began to feel like there was light at the end of the tunnel. When I got my first letter in five years while in prison, it was from my mentor. None the less, I was still undecided on what to do when I got out. I had a huge burden looming over me after my sentence. It wasn’t just catching up with the speed of the real world and reuniting with family. The weight I carried was a three-letter abbreviation, I.P.S., or as some of us half-jokingly refer to as, IN PRISON SOON…

When I left the yard, I told everyone that I would be back.

It seemed inevitable because it felt as if I were starting from behind right at the gate. Coming home, I had a choice, go back to the yard and kill my number or try something different. I did not go back to prison and I did not go back with family at first. I decided to create my own path for success in life and that began with New Freedom.

I dedicated my 90 days to becoming a better man and better father for my son. Peer Support Certification gave me an opportunity to learn more about myself, how to effectively help others. This became my first big accomplishment after prison but it would not be my last.  After I graduated NF, I also completed probation. I had overcome a fear I lived with for so long and a huge burden was lifted. No more UA’s, schedules, unexpected visits and no more dealings with the courts.

“My journey with NF did not end there, it was just beginning. I often came back to do volunteer work and I always knew this was home for me, a safe zone, this is what helped me stay clean and sober. That is the gift of New Freedom, its family.”

My journey with New Freedom did not end there, it was just beginning.

I often came back to do volunteer work and I always knew this was home for me, a safe zone, this is what helped me stay clean and sober. That is the gift of New Freedom, its family. During my time as a member, I discovered that in order to be great you have to help others. That is what inspired me to come back to NF to work.

Today, I sit writing this short article to show you that success is possible. I am happily married with kids, have all the desirable things in life, a house, new cars, bank accounts, good credit and a career. It all started in prison with a will and desire to change. My job is to inspire you that you can do the same regardless of previous incarceration and or substance abuse. We have paved a path in life for you but only you can follow in the footsteps.

It is with great pride that I get to witness the change in others.

I remember what that felt like and I also know it works.  Will you take the chance in being the best version of yourself?  When you arrive home to New Freedom, you can find me in the vocational department. Our purpose is to ensure every member coming to New Freedom obtains employment with an opportunity for a career, not just a job. We have created a partnership with a number of companies that will train you and offer employment after you graduate. Our goal is to assist you in becoming financially stable after you graduate so that you can build a life that is sustainable. We want you to succeed because when you win the entire community wins, even beyond New Freedom.